According to this Miss Teen America contestant, some U.S.-Americans don’t own maps. Miss South Carolina explains it in this brief video:
Wow. On behalf of all past, former and future U.S.-Americans… I apologize.
According to this Miss Teen America contestant, some U.S.-Americans don’t own maps. Miss South Carolina explains it in this brief video:
Wow. On behalf of all past, former and future U.S.-Americans… I apologize.
Wanda Nara tiene 19 años y se convirtió en un verdadero “boom” con sólo 18, luego de que fuera vista tomando sol en la casa de Diego Armando Maradona usando un boxer de el.
Luego de ese episodio, que fue el mayor escándalo mediático del verano pasado, la exuberante joven pasó de tener una pequeña participación en la obra "Humor en custodia", a debutar en TV en “Palermo Hollywood”, por Canal 9, donde encarna a "Pastelito" y a firmar un contrato para ser la primera figura de un espectáculo de Jorge Corona este verano.
Wanda Nara , Wanda Nara , Wanda Nara es una delas mejores de la Argentina
The New York Times brought the sad news this morning that Liam Rector, distinguished poet and educator, shot himself on Wednesday morning at his home in Greenwich Village at the age of 57. According to his bio posted at, Rector "was born in Washington, D.C., in 1949. He received an M.A. from the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University and an M.P.A. from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard."
"Rector taught at Columbia University, The New School, Emerson College, George Mason University, and elsewhere. He founded and directed the graduate Writing Seminars at Bennington College, and administered literary programs at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Academy of American Poets."
"His books of poems include The Executive Director of the Fallen World, American Prodigal and The Sorrow of Architecture. His work has also appeared in a variety of distinguished literary publications including Agni, Paris Review, American Poetry Review, Boston Review, and Ploughshares."
His contributions to the literary community will be sorely missed.
Very sad to hear that Liam Rector has died, apparently by his own hand. Looking at this 2001 poem of his from The Cortland Review, I suppose we can't say we weren't warned.
So We'll Go No More
So it's fare thee well, my own true love;
I'm leaving you behind. And not
For the early, for the young reasons, but
For these late, last, ill reasons. I'm almost
Kaput! Yea, you'll get no more of me....
Cancer, heart attack, bypass—all
In the same year? My chances
Are one out of two! And I'm fucking well
Ready, ready to go. To go!—how often
I've operated that way. That way
Almost the entire caper, the way
For people, places, things:
Abandon, abandon, nay abandon before
Being abandoned. But we've, we've
Stayed. You the third wife for me, I
The second such boy for you, and I love
Looking directly into you, as we look
Directly into this last get-go. We all
Have the talent for leaving, like it
Or no. And oh, how rich it is, how fine
To finally inherit!: the final thing
I was looking for, as it turns out,
The great power of leaving
All the breathtakingly brief all along.
Giorgia Palmas began her career in the year 2000, winning second place at Miss World, losing out to Miss India Priyanka Chopra.
In 2001, she was in Buona Domenica, as a microfonina. In 2002, she won the television show Veline, becoming the brunette velina, in pair with Elena Barolo, the new blonde velina. For two television seasons, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, she was a velina in Striscia la notizia, gaining her a lot of popularity.
After leaving Striscia la notizia she appeared in Italia 1 summer edition of Lucignolo, with Elena Barolo. In September of the same year she was in Rai 1 show , I Raccomandati, with Carlo Conti and Miss Italia 2003, Francesca Chillemi. She was chosen to be testimonial of “Cotton Club” brand underwear. In February 2005, she appeared in a photoshoot on “Max Magazine“. In June 2005 she was in CD Live Estate on RAI 2. She has been confirmed also for the next season.
View more pictures HERE Giorgia Palmas!
This is an interview with Johanna Cardonna, the Colombian journalist who worked in channel TB3 at Barranquilla, and whos ex-boyfriend
Oscar Crespo took a video a mobile phone (iphone?), that’s wide spread along the web. A couple of days ago, Johanna talked with the Colombian paper El Tiempo .
Johanna -also knowned as Joanna,
Johanaand Joana in search tags for Technorati, has left
Noelia Monge, Galilea Montijo and all latin and non latin stars (sorry,
Paris Hilton) at her back.
Q: How does this came along?
A: We were having a relation for about a year. I trusted him. But look what he has done with me! Many people told me he used to behave this way.
Q: Why did you keep on with him?
A: Because I loved him. But when I realized he was not the man I expected, I enden the relation.
Q: Who told you he was not a nice guy?
A: Friends told me he was adicted to women. I never realized he was like that.
Q: When was this video taken?
A: In January. We both agreed.
Q: Did you ever thought he will be posting it in the net?
A: No.
Q: Did he ever slammed you?
A: We have our trouble. My parents didn’t like him.
Q: Do you have a new boyfriend?
A: Yes.
Q: Who has supported you?
A: My boyfriend and my lawyer.
Q: What do you expect for Oscar?
A: I want him to pay for what he did. I want him in jail.
La vedette Celina Rucci, actual concursante del certamen Bailando por un sueño 4, se convertirá en la estrella de la portada del mes de octubre de Playboy. La famosa publicación de las Conejitas ha tenido en su portada a bellezas como Dolores Fonzi, Pamela David, Victoria Onetto y Sabrina Rojas, entre otras.
Ahora es el turno de Rucci, quien fue conejita y representante de la marca Playboy por un año. La chica ya aseguró su continuidad laboral ya que finalmente firmó contrato para estar junto al cómico Miguel Ángel Cherutti y la actriz Carmen Barbieri en el espectáculo que realizarán en la próxima temporada veraniega.
“La verdad que está todo muy avanzado falta solamente la firma del contrato, pero de palabra está totalmente cerrado. Falta que nos pongamos de acuerdo para firmar el contrato”, dijo Celina y agregó “No, no, está todo ultimado. Estamos todos de acuerdo, no hubo que pelear absolutamente nada porque todo lo que me ofrecieron me pareció correcto y simplemente es cuestión de tiempo de sentarse a firmar un contrato”.
Claro que no fue la única propuesta laboral que recibió:
“Tenía la oferta de Gerardo, tenía la de Miguel y un par más, pero las más fuertes eran esas. Pero bueno, la que más me conviene profesionalmente a nivel de seguir creciendo es la de Miguel”.
Cuando se le preguntó acerca de un posible enojo de Sofovich por no elegir trabajar con él, Rucci fue muy clara:
“No sé cómo le tiene que caer. O sea, me parece que si hay alguien que le sobran chicas en este medio como productor es a Gerardo, no creo que se tenga que enojar porque una le dijo que no. O que no es que le dijo que no, sino que otra oferta fue superada”.
La Oreja esta reportando que tiene un nuevo video de la autopsia de Valentín Elizalde que muestran de forma más cruda el cuerpo del cantante en la morgue tras su asesinato, aunque también aparecen las otras dos personas que murieron con él. El material grabado con un teléfono celular, no sólo muestra el cuerpo del “Gallo de oro” totalmente abierto del tórax, también hace escalofriantes acercamientos en los orificios que le dejaron los 26 impactos de bala que recibió aquel día.
Cabe recordar que la primera grabación que circuló por Internet mostraba el cuerpo solitario de Valentín en la plancha, pero en este segundo material ilegal mostróp los restos mortales de Mario Mendoza Grajeda y Raymundo Ballesteros, amigo y chofer, respectivamente del cantante.
Este video tiene una extensión de poco más de dos minutos (40 menos que el que se vio en Internet), y ese tiempo fue suficiente para mostrar la ropa y pertenencias del cantante y sus acompañantes, perfectamente acomodadas, lo que comprueba que gente que laboraba en la funeraria realizó esa grabación.
Johanna Cardona, is the latest self-made sex video victim of Latin American celebrity after Costa Rican singer Noelia whose amateur video, also with ex-boyfriend, was alleged to be leaked on the internet by his step-father.
Read the full Spanish report Conmoción en Barranquilla por video que muestra relaciones sexuales entre periodista y su ex novio (Google Translate to English) on . Download the scandal video of Johana Cardona at Rapidshare via Free Movie Download
After Colombian signaller Johanna Cardona who worked until few days ago in the channel TB3 in the capital of Colombia’s Atlantic Barranquilla ended a relationship with the ex-boyfriend Oscar Crespo, the angry guy put an amateur video, which they filmed the duo having oral sex using a mobile phone under an consensus one year ago, on the internet. According to Johana Cardona, her ex-boyfriend threatened to make the indecent video public if she would not come back to him. But Oscar Crespo insisted that he had forgot to delete the love-making video on the phone which he sold earlier.
Les femmes sont entrain de devenir dingues, tellement elles se comparent aux actrices et aux mannequins qui font la une des couvertures de journaux de mode !
Depuis peu, des voix se font entendre pour dénoncé la supercherie, les trucage et la magie du photoshop, dont un brillant film de Dove, “evolution” (ci-dessus), qui visait à ouvrir les yeux des jeunes filles en leur faisant comprendre par l’exemple que la beauté des magazines est trop artificielle pour être jamais atteignable. Jezebel, le blog féminisant qui cause des people, du sexe et de la mode, a fait encore plus fort et a carrément mis la main sur la photo originale qui a été utilisée pour une couverture du magazine de mode Redbook. Il expose les dégâts des retouches numériques sur la jeune femme (la chanteuse Faith Hill) en superposant simplement l’image originale et la couverture finale, dans une animation simple et répétitive qui finit par donner la nausée…
C’est malheureux et pourtant ça fait des dégâts !
Un conseil : pour être belles soyez naturelles ;)
Photo © Jezebel / Redbook